Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 21:39:14 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: Michelle Location: BC, Canada Date_of_Sighting: Time_of_Sighting: Sighting: This happened a few years ago while I was in my backyard. A black object appeared in the sky and remained there for a few minutes. The object appeared to be a long rectangle from where I stood. Subject: UFOSNMW REPORT FORM Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 20:10:19 +0000 From: unknown@unknown (unknown) To: Name: mal Location: scunthorpe england Date_of_Sighting: 1 9 97 Time_of_Sighting: 21 45 Sighting: five triangle shaped orange in colour no lights no noise traveling at the speed of a jet traveling west to north east I can be reached on |