Subject: Form posted from Mozilla Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 21:46:15 -0700 From: To: Name:=tom-o Location:=Montana Date:=9/24/98 Time:=12:00 UFO=Sighting: The day was Thursday September 24th. My wife and I were traveling west bound on I-90 where the Wyoming and Montana border meet at approximately midnight. We decided to set a goal of getting into Montana before stopping for the night, finding a motel room in a small town. There were loads of deer crossing signs and we nearly hit one crossing the road. Because of the lack of cars on the road we were able to switch to high beams so I was tunnel visioned, while driving, to watch for deer on the road. In the upper left hand corner of the windshield appeared a large object saucer shaped with a raised area in the middle. It appeared to have at least one porthole type feature. It stayed in that position for what seemd like 10-15 minutes as we drove along. We were both scared crazy but kept driving at 65 mph. The object stayed in what seemd a fixed position in the upper left hand corner of the windshield and the shimmering light quality of the flare effect revealed sort of a greyish color to the (SEEMS TO GOT CUT-OFF..Webmaster) UFOSNMW=Submit |