To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada DATE-Sighting : June, 1990 TIME-Sighting : 10:15 PM This is your Submitted Sighting Report : Me and my family was outside that night just playing baseball, or some sport like that, in the dark when we looked up to the corn field that was beside the house. In the sky was at least 10 sphere shaped objects that were a white color. The wierdest thing though was that you could partially see right through them. They hovered above the ground for at least a half an hour and they were at tree top level. Then we saw a beam of light come out of them and ot was almost pulsing. Me, being young at the time didn't know what to think, they were only a block away from us. After the 30 minutes was up they just shot into the sky as 5 helicopters got to the scene. Now I am 16 and can still remember the look of the spheres, it's a thing that I will never forget! |
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