To: From: Subject: Submitted UFO Sighting Report LOCATION : Washington DC DATE-Sighting : April 5, 1998 TIME-Sighting : 10:30pm This is your Submitted Sighting Report : I was driving south on interstate 270. I am not really sure whether I was in Maryland, DC or Virginia. Route 270 passes through all of them. I just moved mto the area. I know I was near the Boyd exit on the highway. Anyway, While I was driving something caught my attention. It was a very bright light. Brighter than any light in the sky. It was very concentrated in the center, sort of like the sun, but it was white. It was traveling from East to west at an angle of about 70 degrees (a wild guess) heading for the ground. I thought it was going to hit the ground I waited for an explosion or something but nothing happened. It was hard to judge its distance. Perhaps it was over the horizon. If that's the case this thing would have been huge. If any one saw this PLEASE e-mail me. Thanks, Geist |
UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World