To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Sunday, February 15, 1998 at 18:58:07 location: Brigus,Newfoundland,Canada date: July,1997 time: 11:30-12:00 pm sighting: I was sluuping over to my friends cabin in Brigus last summer.We had just arrived there from a two hour drive. It was late at night(about 11 or 12) and we were in her car at a gas station pickingup some food when we saw two mysterious white lights in the sky,flying aroundin diffrent directioins.The lights were flying at a very high speed,to fast for an airplaine or a jet. Then they just zoomed away into the sky in a split second.We have never spoken to each other about our experience since it happened. |