To: From: () Subject: UFO Sighting Reports Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by () on Thursday, February 19, 1998 at 07:03:04 location: between Burns and Burns Junction date: 1997 time: 8:00-8:30 sighting: My fiance and I drive an 18 wheeler and in 1997 we had delivered a load in Portland Ore. We didn't have another load for a few days so we stayed in a motel waiting around for something to come up. I can't remember the exact day or month but it was one Portland had high winds up to 115 mph. and the same day a man killed a young mother and took her little girl hostage which police later killed. We were well rested when we got our next load out of Portland heading to New Jersey. We stopped at a small dinner later around 6 pm. til around 7 or 7:30.The sky was very clear and the road was Hwy. 78 between Burns and Burns Junction and very little traffic at all.I was looking at the stars as I usually do for lack of anthing else to do when I am not driving. I asked my fiance to look at the bright star to my rigjht, no sooner than I had said that he told me "that's no star," it's moving. We both watched intensly and it startrd to the front of us,now flashing red and white lights. It then proceded to go to his side (drivers side) and then to the back of the trailer on his side and stayed there for quite sometime and then disappeared.We both were in amazement and kinda getting settled again when we saw the same lights coming down and land in the middle of the road in front of us a few miles ahead. I asked him if there might be a small town ahead or maybe some construction and he said no! very absolutly.I asked him to go faster but we were very heavy and going through Sheeps Head Mtns. He said he wasn't stopping for anything if it was still there but as we approached it dispeared. Finally we saw a car or two coming down the road so I felt like we were getting closer to coming out of the twillite zone. Being the chicken I am I asked him to stop at the next town we came to and wait until the next day to go on. The town was Mc Dermit, Nev. We got out and both decided to keep this to ourselves for fear of what people might say. But when he went to the rest room I asked the girl behind the counter if she had or if she had heard of anyone seeing something strange out there,and she just looked at me kind of funny and said no, only to turn around and say what did you see? I just decided to keep quite, It was so dark that night out there no other vehicles,no houses ,nothing but I know that what we saw was shaped like the UFOS that have been reported by others. |
{UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World}